All PCS Youth Track & Field coaches are expected to
- Attend all practices as you are able, as agreed upon with the head coach. This may be specific days of the week.
- Prearrange absences if possible by informing the head coach.
- Be on time for all practices.
- Give 100% effort during practices and competitions.
- Just like our athletes, you are expected to try and do your best, every practice and meet.
- Be a good example for our athletes.
- Possess a positive attitude towards your athletes, fellow coaches, and opposing coaches and their athletes.
- Encourage athletes regularly through positive words of affirmation.
- Be our athletes fans as well as coaches. Cheer loudly at meets, and celebrate our athletes’ accomplishments.
- Have high expectations of our athletes behavior and performance. Correct when necessary and enforce team rules.
- Never express doubt over an athlete’s goals.
- Become a better coach over the course of the season.
- Read (or watch) materials provided to you by the head coach.
- Spend time learning about your events, both how the event works, but also how to coach it.
- These are volunteer positions, so I don’t expect a lot, but I hope you spend at least some time researching on your own.
- Complete are assigned trainings required by PC and CYO (if you’re coaching for CYO).
- Submit planned workouts for your event group each week by Sunday evening.
- This may be collaborative with the head coach or another event coach.